

At Ernest Bevin Academy we promote a programme of student support and well-being. We have a qualified academy counsellor, and many members of staff trained to work with students experiencing mental health issues.

Our strong pastoral system means that all students have a tutor, a Head of Year, a Pastoral Support Manager and a Director of Learning that they can speak to, and who is looking out for them.

We work hard to destigmatise mental health issues and raise the profile of our wellbeing work. We encourage students to take responsibility for their wellbeing, but also support them (through the pastoral system, the school counsellor and through assemblies and tutor time activities).

If a student is unhappy or concerned about their own well-being or that of another student they could:

  • speak to their tutor, head of year or any adult in the school
  • speak to Mr Kay, the EBA Designated Safeguarding Lead.
  • or tell their parents and ask them to raise the matter with the academy.

Support for parents and carers

Advice for parents and carers: talking mental health with children at secondary school

Support for Students

Self-Care Strategies

Create your own self care plan

Youth Wellbeing Directory

Useful contacts

Student Resources QR

Teenage Wellbeing Parent Workshop - Tuesday 23rd April (5.30-6.30)